Skill Samurai Brandon

Math Mastery for K-5th

Help your K-5th grader build a strong foundation in Math!
The ESingapore Math K-5 program is a comprehensive and engaging curriculum designed to establish a strong foundation in mathematics for your child, ensuring their future academic success. Utilizing the proven Singapore Math methodology, this program emphasizes critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and a deep understanding of mathematical concepts through step-by-step learning and interactive lessons. Our curriculum covers all essential math topics, from basic arithmetic to geometry, and uses visual aids and digital tools to make learning both effective and enjoyable. With personalized instruction and a supportive community for both students and parents, your child will gain the confidence and skills needed to excel. If your child is struggling in math or you want to give them a head start, now is the time to act. Enroll in ESingapore Math today to secure your child’s place and invest in their brighter, more successful future.

Weekly Schedule

Program Restrictions Tuitions/Prices Action

Monday Math Mastery_3:30pm

Grades: Pre-Kindergarten - 5 $159.00 Monthly Tuiton - Monthly Membership Enroll Now

Monday Math Mastery 4:30 pm

Grades: Pre-Kindergarten - 5 $159.00 Monthly Tuition - Monthly Membership Enroll Now

Tuesday Math Mastery_3:30pm

Grades: Pre-Kindergarten - 5 $159.00 Monthly Tuition - Monthly Membership Enroll Now

Tuesday Math Mastery 4:30 pm

Grades: Pre-Kindergarten - 5 $159.00 Monthly Tuition - Monthly Membership Enroll Now

Wednesday Math Mastery_3:30pm

Grades: Pre-Kindergarten - 5 $159.00 Monthly Tuition - Monthly Membership Enroll Now

Wednesday Math Mastery 4:30 pm

Grades: Pre-Kindergarten - 5 $159.00 Monthly Tuition - Monthly Membership Enroll Now

Thursday Math Mastery_3:30pm

Grades: Pre-Kindergarten - 5 $159.00 Monthly Tuition - Monthly Membership Enroll Now

Thursday Math Mastery 4:30 pm

Grades: Pre-Kindergarten - 5 $159.00 Monthly Tuition - Monthly Membership Enroll Now